Obtaining a residence permit in Dubai, UAE

We will help you obtain a residence permit and obtain residency in the UAE
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How we work

We will select the basis for legalization
We will tell you what legal ways to obtain residence in the UAE are and select the appropriate option taking into account your situation.
We will issue a resident visa for up to 10 years
We will prepare all documents and provide support at all stages of obtaining a resident visa and obtaining an Emirates ID
We will open a personal bank account
The company’s specialists will select a suitable bank and personally accompany you to the bank branch

Get a free consultation
with an individual analysis of your situation

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Stages of obtaining a residence permit in Dubai, UAE

Our relocation specialist will select the appropriate option for obtaining a residence permit in the UAE, taking into account your situation and offer the most optimal solution
Signing the contract
and start the process
We guarantee obtaining residency in the UAE by agreement. We specify terms and fixed prices in the contract
Applying for a resident visa and Emirates ID
Issuance of resident visa and Emirates ID
Opening personal
bank accounts
Our specialists will negotiate with a bank employee and accompany you when opening an account

Opportunities for a comfortable life in the UAE

Tax benefits
In  the UAE there is no tax on  wages, personal income, real estate and  other property
Stable exchange rate
The dirham exchange rate is pegged to the dollar and hasn changed for more than 20 years
Local bank account
Opportunity to open a personal account in a   UAE bank and   receive an international debit and   credit card
Legalization of close relatives
A resident visa holder has the right to sponsor a husband/wife/children/parents and issue them a resident visa
High safety and  comfort
The UAE is among the TOP 3 safest countries, and Dubai ranks 5th in the ranking of the best cities in the world. UAE residents have access to all government services, have the opportunity to send their child to a kindergarten, school or international institute, and also obtain health insurance
Tax benefits
In  the UAE there is no tax on  wages, personal income, real estate and  other property
Stable exchange rate
The dirham exchange rate is pegged to the dollar and hasn changed for more than 20 years
Local bank account
Opportunity to open a personal account in a   UAE bank and   receive an international debit and   credit card
Legalization of close relatives
A resident visa holder has the right to sponsor a husband/wife/children/parents and issue them a resident visa
High safety and  comfort
The UAE is among the TOP 3 safest countries, and Dubai ranks 5th in the ranking of the best cities in the world. UAE residents have access to all government services, have the opportunity to send their child to a kindergarten, school or international institute, and also obtain health insurance

Sign up for a free consultation

In a 40-minute Zoom meeting we will discuss the main issues:

1. Grounds for obtaining a residence permit in the UAE
Find out what legal ways there are to legalize yourself in the United Arab Emirates and obtain residency

2. Let's choose a method of legalization
We will analyze your situation and offer several suitable options.

3. Registration process
We will tell you about all the stages of obtaining a resident visa and Emirates ID

4. Cost and terms
We will calculate the exact cost and timing of obtaining a residence permit in Dubai

Sign up for a free consultation

In a 40-minute Zoom meeting we will discuss the main issues:

1. Grounds for obtaining a residence permit in the UAE
Find out what legal ways there are to legalize yourself in the United Arab Emirates and obtain residency

2. Let's choose a method of legalization
We will analyze your situation and offer several suitable options.

3. Registration process
We will tell you about all the stages of obtaining a resident visa and Emirates ID

4. Cost and terms
We will calculate the exact cost and timing of obtaining a residence permit in Dubai
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